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Primary School

School Motto and Values

Our school motto is 'Inspiring children to achieve more than they think is possible.'  We aim to give children opportunities and learning experiences to inspire them to achieve whatever they put their mind to.


We encourage all children to talk about their achievements at all levels.  Whether this is an achievement in a lesson on a particular day, or something that has been mastered over a longer period of time, we aim for children to articulate their successes.  There is nothing better than hearing the children speak proudly of their successes, academically, creatively and socially. 


In order to ensure that children are in a position to achieve more than they think is possible, we have the following values underpinning all that we do:


  • Children learn best when they are happy, secure, respected and valued as individuals
  • Learning should be positive, enjoyable and rooted in life experiences
  • Through a shared language and approach, we aim to nurture a child's emotional and social development
  • The learning environment needs to be inspiring and interactive
  • We want our children to become increasingly independent learners,  reflect on their learning and identify their next steps
  • We encourage children to develop respect for themselves, for others and for their environment
  • Children should become aware of their community, both local and global, and should have valuable opportunities to learn outside the classroom.
  • We encourage children to have high expectations of themselves and high aspirations for the future
  • Children should be encouraged to develop creativity through every aspect of the curriculum
  • Everyone working in or visiting our schools should feel special and valued for the contributions that they are able to make
  • We have a commitment to provide an environment where the safety and well being of children is paramount

