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Primary School

Curriculum Overview

At Somersham Primary School we are proud of our engaging and exciting curriculum.  We are committed to ensuring that all subjects of the National Curriculum are taught in detail and with interest so that children retain information during the year and beyond.  Please find below our Curriculum Statement, which details our approach.


If you wish to have any more information about the school curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher or refer to the termly curriculum overviews available on the school website.

Statement of Intent


At Somersham Primary School, we understand the importance of a well-rounded, fulfilling curriculum to prepare our children for the next stage of education, and for their future as citizens of the United Kingdom.  For more information about how we do this through our curriculum, please explore the curriculum pages and related documents.


For teaching Phonics and early reading, we follow Read, Write, Inc.  More information can be found on the relevant page in the 'Curriculum' tab.


Mission Statement


We aim to:

  • Ensure that all children have the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge that create active, interested and lifelong learners.
  • Provide a knowledge-rich curriculum for our children
  • Provide a variety of exciting, flexible, enjoyable and engaging learning experiences for all children whilst fully implementing the National Curriculum.
  • Enable depth of coverage and effective sequencing in order to build progression of skills.
  • Ensure that all children make at least good progress.
  • Actively seek and plan for creative links between subjects to further understanding.
  • Plan for opportunities to write for real and experienced purposes across the curriculum.


In academic year 2024-25, we are following Cycle A.


These overviews are reviewed and amended throughout the year.  If you have any questions, please contact your child's class teacher.
