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Primary School


We aim for children to see Mathematics as an enjoyable and exciting subject, one that solves many problems and is relevant to the real world in which we live. We aim for the children to leave the school as competent, independent and enthusiastic mathematicians. The children are introduced to Mathematics in a practical way, using a variety of apparatus. The handling of mathematical apparatus and the structured use of the immediate school environment helps the children gain understanding of essential concepts. Practising, developing and applying the key skills lead to a mastery of mathematical thinking and computation.


Our Mathematics teaching is delivered through a daily Maths lesson to implement the requirements of the National Curriculum, which aims for the children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, be able to reason mathematically and solve problems by applying their learning. The curriculum covers different aspects of number, measurement, geometry and statistics.

Maths Frame is used for Key Stage Two homework and is a great site to support children's learning. There are many interactive games that can be used, some of which require a username and password which can be found in children's homework books. However, many others don't require login details.
