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What is GDPR?

Data protection is the fair and proper use of information about people.  It is part of a fundamental right to privacy and about building trust between people and organisations. It is also about treating people fairly and openly, recognising their right to have control over their own identity and their interactions with others, and striking a balance with the wider interests of society.

The UK data protection regime is set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 along with UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


More Details

We have updated our Privacy Notices, Policies and Consent Forms to make sure we are compliant with the new GDPR.

For further information and GDPR specific documents, please refer to .  Check regularly on this section to see what is new.

Follow the link for more information about the  GDPR  regulations from the ICO website.

If you wish to contact our Data Protection Officer, you can do so by emailing

